Guitar Tab Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance

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Chord Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance - Here's a share guitar chord of lagu iban Nyadika Lagu by Aldrich Hevance; any finding on error of the guitar chord do comment. 

Credit to all source that has been provided for the guitar chord [kord gitar lagu iban] of Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance.

Video: Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance

Guitar Tab/ Chord: Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance

Bisi maia ku saru tesebut nama nuan
Ukai ku sengaja, tusah ka madah
Bendar amai ku neleba ke diri nadai nuan
Ka pen enda, taja lain asai

Ukai ku enda ulih nerus ke idup ku
Nadai nuan begulai enggau aku
Ukai nya nuan enda nemu..
Pengelama nuan udah enggau aku

Enda ngemudah nya nuan ku buai
Ukai nya tua enda lama begulai
Enti di kira ari mual tua bekelala

Ukai nya mudah maia aku say GOODBYE
Labuh ai mata lalu malik kebukai
Nyadika lagu pengingat nuan enggau aku

Bisi maia ku saru tesebut nama nuan
Ukai ku sengaja, tusah ka madah
Bendar amai ku neleba ke diri nadai nuan
Ka pen enda, taja lain asai

Ukai ku enda ulih nerus ke idup ku
Nadai nuan begulai enggau aku
Ukai nya nuan enda nemu..
Pengelama nuan udah enggau aku

Enda ngemudah nya nuan ku buai
Ukai nya tua enda lama begulai
Enti di kira ari mual tua bekelala

Ukai nya mudah maia aku say GOODBYE
Labuh ai mata lalu malik kebukai
Nyadika lagu pengingat nuan enggau aku

Bisi maia ku saru tesebut nama nuan

Enda ngemudah nya nuan ku buai
Ukai nya tua enda lama begulai
Enti di kira ari mual tua bekelala

Ukai nya mudah maia aku say GOODBYE
Labuh ai mata lalu malik kebukai
Nyadika lagu pengingat nuan enggau aku

Coming Soon... Sorry about the guitar tab/ kord gitar lagu Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance, the kord gitar lagu iban is not available right now; do come back later for the updated guitar tab for the songs. 

For you info. Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance music video or audio provide here are taken from all the alternate source such as YouTube and do liaise to the up-loader for it. 

If any of you guys knew the guitar chords for Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance, espeacily the band itself (), just give a comment below for the chords. It may a helping hand to others who's in need of this chords song '.

Last but not less do enjoy the guitar chord tune and video music of Nyadika Lagu - Aldrich Hevance that has been share here.

Are you enjoy my guitar tab/ chord [kord gitar] lagu iban of Nyadika Lagu by Aldrich Hevance share? If yes, just click share button below to share some love of our dayak guitar music chord (kord gitar). 

Have a nice day and do visit me for more dayak guitar chord on

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