LISTEN: Lan E Tuyang - Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master)

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Now, you are watching music video Lan E Tuyang sung by Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master).

Keep calm and let enjoy some of instrumental vibe.

Video: Lan E Tuyang - Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master)

Title: Lan E Tuyang (True Friends)
Singer: Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master)
Composer: Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master)
Music Arranger: Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master)
Label: -

"Mathew Ngau Jau, of the Ngorek tribe, is known as Keeper of the Kenyah Nogrek Songs, from Long Semiang in Ulu Baram. He is considered by the Malaysian government as a national living heritage and is one of the few professional sapeh-players in Borneo and is recognised as the undisputed authority on the instrument. More about the Sape Maste 'Mathew Ngau Jau', click this link"

"Lan-Ē Tuyang (True Friends)

A traditional song inviting visitors and members of the longhouse to come out to the veranda and join in the singing and dancing. A man or woman sings a refrain, often part of a long story or a fabulous account of the visitor’s virtues. Visitors are instantly adopted by the longhouse and new names are bestowed on them. Cups of potent borak are placed before the visitors and at the end of the song, they must empty them voluntarily or have the drink unceremoniously poured down their throats. The visitor is then coaxed to sing a song in return and the whole process of filling up the cup and drinking every drop is repeated, as another member of the longhouse takes over to recite an even more outrageous account of the prowess of the visitor"

Catch up on our most best local Sarawakian talented artiste in action.

The songs and music video output of Lan E Tuyang by Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master) is just promotion only; for better quality, please get it on the market with the ORIGINAL purchase only or just liaise back to them.

For your info. Lan E Tuyang - Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master) video are taken from all the alternate source such as YouTube and do liaise to the up-loader for it.

If any of you guys knew the guitar chords for Lan E Tuyang - Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master), especially the artiste itself (Sape Master), just give a comment below for the chords/ kord.

It may; a helping hand to others who's in need of this kord Lan E Tuyang - Mathew Ngau Jau (Sape Master) chords song.

Have a nice day and do visit me for more dayak guitar chord on

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