Video: Aku Rindu Aku Sayau - Achilis Unggo
Title: Aku Rindu Aku Sayau
Singer: Achilis Unggo
Composer: Francis Jayil
Music Arranger: Lesley LE
Video Editor: Jerry Joseph David & Harrington
Label: Gilson Production Sdn Bhd
"vcd karaoke album Achilis Unggo-Aku Rindu Aku Sayau..bisi 7 iti lagu dalam nya baka rentak joget,balada enggau mega raggae.nya ni..enda rugi enti meli..lagu iya udah bisi ba radio.nama dianti agi..tau minta lagu ya ba stesen radio kitai.enti aku,aku deka minta dj mutarka lagu Joget Ranchak.haaa..acakuya..
01. Dinga Mih
02. Aku Rindu Aku Sayau
03. Tinggalka Mih
04. Joget Rancak
05. Temuda
06. Berani Kesa
07. Aku Keran Ke Iya"
credit goes to, Gilson Production Sdn Bhd
Catch up on our most best local Sarawakian talented artiste in action.
The songs and music video output of Aku Rindu Aku Sayau by Achilis Unggo is just promotion only; for better quality, please get it on the market with the ORIGINAL purchase only or just liaise back to them.
For your info. Aku Rindu Aku Sayau - Achilis Unggo video are taken from all the alternate source such as YouTube and do liaise to the up-loader for it.
If any of you guys knew the guitar chords for Aku Rindu Aku Sayau - Achilis Unggo, especially the artiste itself (Lesley LE), just give a comment below for the chords/ kord.
It may; a helping hand to others who's in need of this kord Aku Rindu Aku Sayau - Achilis Unggo chords song.
Have a nice day and do visit me for more dayak guitar chord on
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